Sunday, June 4, 2017

Building Bridges

Friends, good friends, best friends? Maybe, maybe not.
We sailed together for quite some time. Of that, I'm sure
Through calm and pleasant seas and also stormy waters
But we chose our different routes and let the winds take us apart
I built the boats that took you away, to hide from my desires
I built mine too and sailed away from you
Opposite and equal forces sailing in perfect parallels
Maybe there's a converging point ahead, I can't tell
Maybe we will return to the start again, we may never know
Because we choose to build boats when we really don't need to sail
This time I'm not building a boat
I just hope the winds bring you back here
If you ever sail across the waters
I'll be patiently waiting at the shore
No more denial, no more boats
Just bridges and a happy home.

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