Sunday, June 4, 2017

Patches and Patterns, People and Possibilities

You see the world and I see the world too
You see the world in black and white
You see it as rich and poor, friend and foe
You see a two-dimensional world
I see colours, I see limitless possibilities
I see multiple dimensions because I can
  - Imagine.Dream.Be -

Building Bridges

Friends, good friends, best friends? Maybe, maybe not.
We sailed together for quite some time. Of that, I'm sure
Through calm and pleasant seas and also stormy waters
But we chose our different routes and let the winds take us apart
I built the boats that took you away, to hide from my desires
I built mine too and sailed away from you
Opposite and equal forces sailing in perfect parallels
Maybe there's a converging point ahead, I can't tell
Maybe we will return to the start again, we may never know
Because we choose to build boats when we really don't need to sail
This time I'm not building a boat
I just hope the winds bring you back here
If you ever sail across the waters
I'll be patiently waiting at the shore
No more denial, no more boats
Just bridges and a happy home.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Ground Zero

A Nation In Self Deceit

The ‘Nation’ has collapsed
Look at all the structures of the country
From the educational sector to the Ministries
They all swim in the rot of neglect and inefficiency
Workers that don't work and students that do not study
We sit in our hypocritical high chairs and condemn our leaders of corruption while we cheat in exams and steal answers and train our kids in schools where external exam answers are written on boards for them to copy. Are we not the same teachers and Principals that solve those questions and write them on boards for the kids we claim we are training? And we pretend to be surprised when they grow up to be the type of leaders that we have today! We sow our shameless seeds of corruption today and what fruits do we expect in the future? We are all guilty as a nation, even if we may not all be guilty as individuals. We live in self deceit by calling others corrupt when they stain smears on us all. 
Cheating and ‘helping friends’ during exam. Are they not the same?
These are the little things that make you know that the cancer in our system has eaten deep into the vital organs of future generations of this nation!
We are sick, way beyond repair. A nation on a wheelchair!
The canker worms of corruption and greed are eating up the seat of the wheelchair
We have nowhere else to run to. Prices rapidly rising with no end in sight!
Families are being submerged as the flood of poverty rises above homes that were once stable.

We are a nation without a structure, a nation without a foundation! Generations are gone, lost to greed…an unhealthy appetite for unimaginable wealth. There is no turing back. The disaster is upon us. The bitter fruits of the evil seeds the older generation sowed years ago! The Nation has collapsed. 

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Tick Tock

Time is a constant reminder of mortality.
It is a sign of the pressure we create to measure our achievements and progress.
Deadlines, timelines, appointments and time-based expectations of where we should be and what we should have achieved at certain points in our lives
Time defines us, alongside money, another of man’s pressurizing creations!

The essence of life is forgotten as we jump from one deadline to another. 

Tick tock, tick tock...
...and we chase the future and forget to live in the present. 
Tick tock, tick tock...’s future fades into yesterday and like the wind our lives drift away. 

You lose real connections as you hold on to fleeting relationships. 
You live to work and work for a life you never get to live. 
You need to stop for a moment. Live, don’t just exist! 
Love and express all your emotions! 
Be truly alive in every moment and just be you!