Thursday, September 29, 2016

~ Geisterfahrer ~

Every day I rise to face these challenges.
They toss, they sway but they can't turn me around.
I keep pushing forward against the tide.
Society bombards me with so may things that I don't want. 
They try to benumb me to so much wrong and desensitize me to the violence and crime. Next, it's the subtle persuasion to accept strange sexual orientations.The world is trying to make us all compete against ourselves. So those who stand for sharing and charity don't fit in while greed and wanton ostentatious desires that help to fuel an exploitative economic thrust are supported openly.I'm trying to keep my colour in this torrential rain of unconscious decolouration and the 'zombilizing' flood of distracting information.It's like I'm driving the wrong way on a one way street, against the traffic of society's influences.
I see prints here and my direction. Then they fade off as I forge ahead. I wonder if that will be all I will also leave behind...footprints and a bag full of secrets...the precipitates of a stubborn belief system. 
I'm weird, I'm different. This is what i stand for. It is who I am...who are you?

Sunday, September 25, 2016


I sat in front of the blank screen for a long time
Hours of writing, editing, rewriting and deleting
Back to square one...a blank screen again
I know the message, I know the reason
I know the audience, but can't tell if they'll listen
I sat down thinking of how to send this out with a different beat
I don't want the people dancing the same way to this
Writer's block, amnesic spasms and endless journeys into 'wanderland'
A wise lady once said "...not everyone who wanders is lost"
I'm sitting here with a message in my head but i can't find a way to write it out
I'm not lost, just wandering and trying to find another way
This is still not complete...

Friday, September 16, 2016

rUbBerALL rEvoLUTioN


They knew of our weakness but they never anticipated our resilience

They pushed us harder but they didn't know our limits
So they pushed on thinking we would break
We were duly stretched but we didn't even crack
They oppressed us and increased our burdens
We buckled at our knees and fell to the floor
We fell but that was not the end of us
Because we pulled ourselves up
when they thought we were done
They saw us arise with bloodshot eyes
We were broken, bruised and battered
but our wounds were only on the outside
They had damaged our bodies but stirred up our spirits
We were down to rock bottom, we could only rise
Rise from these ashes, rise from the rubble
I'm a rebelLION, a part of the rebellion
That's what you call it, we call it a revolution
Our roar has got the masters running
We've been beaten out of shame and fear
We are left with boldness and courage
Fearlessly, we will rise to face our challenges
We will pull our bodies across the border
We will hunt down the oppressors and turn this slave yard... a palace fit for us, Kings and Queens of the land!
Riches shared in equity and wealth to fill every home
Leaders and not lords! Followers and not slaves!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

A Rising Tide

I increasingly feel the need to make people happy. The need to show and share love...unbiased, in spite of the response from others. Love is the answer. It is the cure for all our hurt and it can't be locked inside. It bursts through the seams and pours itself out, spreading it's fragrance to all. It leaves a soft smile on the lips of those that it meets and warms the heart of the giver. It melts the heart of the avenger and cools the fiery furnace of anger and jealousy. In a cruel and cold world, love is a soft and warm glow. It is the syncline to all negative vibes! It is truth, it is forgiveness. It is a rising tide that lifts all boats!