Monday, August 31, 2015

Always Optimistic

The picture of a little baby sleeping quietly got me thinking this morning. It is amazing how beautiful the human mind is. At this stage it is still malleable and innocent. The baby has no problems to bother about. She is isolated from life's turbulence by the love of her parents and their endless support. She is a bundle of joy and pure beauty, cuddled up in warm fleecy clothes.

But something else struck me. What will we introduce to this beautiful mind as she grows up? What perceptions and ideas about life will she discover as she explores the world before her eyes? What will society tell her about herself? Will she be given a different understanding of beauty, success, love, ability and life in general? I could not help thinking about how school would try to chisel her to fit into specific moulds that society has created. Then religion will place a stamp on what is right and wrong, which is usually at odds with what is openly practiced in society. Friends, family and passive influences from the media will try to form the cornerstone of her beliefs amidst an avalanche of ideas from other sources.

In our society, it is easy to get carried away by the unabashed rush for money and material things. The struggle to present yourself as rich, in a country with so many poor people, is real. The endless competition and the struggle to live way beyond their means is a trend today. This society worships the rich and ignores the source of wealth. The younger generation will do anything for Facebook and Instagram likes. Some of them put up false images of themselves to deceive the world (Not everyone though, some.) A society that is foolishly drinking from the cup of lies served by the West, gobbling down everything they serve! The young men have taken to weed and the young women have lost self esteem. Men are no more saying they want to marry their fellow men, but have now decided they want to become women. And we cannot pretend like its far away because in the near future, our kids will see these things as normal.  Are these the influences she will be exposed to? 

These are the thoughts that kept running through my mind before I snapped back into reality. Right before my eyes was the picture of a baby with a future so uncertain. Are we going to be the proponents of these misleading norms? What role are YOU playing to ensure that we all don't become a part of the rot? Do you even sincerely believe that things can be better, or you think its just a few overtly optimistic people, dreaming because they don't have anything else to do? That is the mindset that has crippled us and has left us in this mess. We are always ready with reasons why things will not work instead of asking how they will work. I believe things will work one day if we don't give up before the race begins. Lets do what we can to ensure we leave a better society for these innocent ones to thrive. There are limitless possibilities for them. If you refuse to believe in a better tomorrow, do not infect them with pessimism. Start something positive today. Don't sit back and wait for the world to change. YOU are the world, you NEED to change!

Friday, August 28, 2015

Leaders Enjoying the Sound of Our Silence

African leaders have helped to build this continent. Whatever we have now is the result of good, bad and sometimes non-existent leadership in most African states. The level of under development is alarming in some regions. We complain about how the West put up images of sick and hungry looking kids when they talk about Africa, but we would do nothing to change the story. Rather, we want better pictures in the media (Shameful!!!). We want them to show the affluent part of our society. Instead of trying to change it so they have nothing embarrassing to show. Why do we concern ourselves so much about that image if we are not ready to change the real situation? And even at that, we wait for them to tell our story for us. They come here, study us, tell whatever story they like and then we start complaining about the story. Until the lion learns to write, the hunter will always be glorified! It all boils down to our mentality. The way we see ourselves. Talking about mentality, I will talk about the African leaders and a little about you and I. How we sit back and allow the rot from the top spread around until we are totally engulfed in the mess.

What exactly are the leaders doing? Why do they go out there begging for money when they know nobody can break away from the shackles of these monster financial institutions? It is difficult to believe that some of our leaders are educated! It is bad enough to be indebted, but it is even worse when the money received is not used judiciously. We are tired of such incompetent leadership. We have witnessed the backlash of such impudent corruption in one way or the other. The rich may think they are free from it, but who said it is ok to be able to afford uninterrupted power and yet not have it? These same leaders come out and tell stories of how they want to champion the cause of justice and equity with bravado! How long will people watch this and be quiet? African leaders are mismanaging resources in alarming ways!! There is so much poverty, insecurity and poor governance in this part of the world. While Africans are complaining about this, the leaders are devising clever ways of stealing public funds and staging strongly polarized partisan debates across media channels…Radio, Television and Social Media. (Should I take a break?!!)

The same channel they use to propagate these lies can be used to push them to do right…Social Media. One interesting thing about social media is that it gives the masses a voice. It provides an opportunity to stir people for positive change. #Bring Back Our Girls, #Black Lives Matter, #Charlie Hebdo and many other hashtag-revolutions have moved people around the world to focus on sensitive issues. This powerful tool is available and as usual, when purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable. People deserve to question government to ensure that our rights are provided and respected but we have people asking questions that unearth a shuddering level of ignorance and bias on social media. Your vote is your power, but it shouldn’t be the only thing you have because you can use it only once in four years and even at that, you can’t say anything! You can only thumbprint and leave. If we have a tool as powerful as social media, we need to use it objectively. Questions and issues should be properly directed to our leaders and not used to start shameful cross party debates…(Save the energy for football arguments). These are troubling economic times for most countries and we need to wake up from our slumber and save ourselves. I mean over the past 5 years, the Ghanaian Cedi has depreciated against the dollar by over 200%. Oil price falls have affected the Oil Producing countries and there are wars and conflicts ravaging other nations. If we remain silent, we will not change anything. I mean, it will only get worse faster than we think. One voice is not enough, so it is time to play your part to create the Africa you want. Nobody brings development on a platter of gold. People fight and work hard for it. If we must see change, we must be willing to keep our leaders on their toes. What is the use of an educated electorate if they remain quiet when things are going wrong? Don’t abuse the tool you have today. Your silence is good music to the looters and criminals. Change will only come when we speak up. Remember, only Africans can save Africa!!

Thursday, August 27, 2015


It took me 28 posts, a few discussions with friends and a moment of reflection to get my bearing right. I started writing because I feel the need to say what people may know but refuse to say. I decided to write because I want to paint a clear picture of the mess in our society. I am tired of hiding behind the jolly good part of life and making stories about that when we have platforms and resources that can be used to impact lives on a larger scale. There are a number of things to talk about so I will take them one after the other.

(A huge thank you to the friends I have that help keep me on track.) 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

An African Solution

I'm not going to start this post by saying all the inspiring things that we all expect to hear when we talk about an African renaissance. We can start with all the quotes and sayings that people have left us with in their moments of inspiration and we won't end up with a solution. All the proposed answers to the problems of under-development, hunger, wars etc have been laid down by great African philosophers and economists. Some of the greatest minds have macerated this subject with wisdom and experience beyond my present level. What exactly is the reason behind the slow, and in some cases non-existent, response to the proposed solutions? Africans, we are the biggest problem that we face!
The idea of positive change starts with the people. If the people are not ready for it, then the leaders cannot do anything. In a situation where nobody is ready to play his or her role, the work will never get done.
Let me start from the youth in society. The images of what is cool revolves around things that relegate African culture and society to extinction. These are things that empower foreign economies ahead of whatever we have to offer. It is not necessarily an issue of quality, but an issue of a lack of patriotism, distrust in the system and a very 'western' materialistic and competitive attitude. The world dictates what is cool and what is beautiful to you and you strive so hard to achieve this conception of 'coolness' and beauty. 

The young adults, the politicians and most of the leaders in industry are more self-centred than we have seen in many decades. People struggle to get rich, to intimidate and compete with others in terms of wealth and power. The average African wants to get power and wealth for these same selfish reasons that have slowed us down for so long. 

Don't get me wrong. I also want to be rich and powerful, but I feel that what we do with our wealth and power should be different. It should serve as a tool for development and service rather than a yardstick to measure how poor others are in relation to you. Somewhere deep down, there is still the ability to do good and help others. Black is the endpoint of all colours. All light has been absorbed into us. We should decide what type of light we give out. 

If we all decide to pay a little more attention to our local content, give them reasons to add quality and value to our local products and slow down with the entire physical and material pursuit, then we can start the revolution. I believe that proper change can only start in the mind. Read, explore, listen and train the mind to believe in quality and possibilities open to you as an African! If education should serve any purpose, it should make us realize how much we belittle ourselves. I'm not a prophet, neither am I the most optimistic person here, but I believe that only Africans can save Africa.

Think You! Be Different!

"I would rather be the first rate version of myself than the second rate version of someone else". A very good friend of mine wrote that down in her notebook many years ago. I read it and like every other message, it stretched my mind. Once you find truth like that, you can never 'not-see' it. That truth has defined my life today. 

We are all unique and so we are all meant to be different. In fact, today we celebrate people who refuse to fit in (and I support that drive). Most people have lost themselves in the process of fitting in and being quasi-clones of what they see in the media. I wouldn't want to be just like you for the sake of fitting in or acceptance. The world will lose my spice if I try to taste like you. Discover yourself, chase your passion and live everyday being true to these! I believe you will find peace, joy and contentment (I didn't add love to that list!). 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Are They Always Haters?

Today, I finally decided to listen to D'banj and Idris Elba (There's someone else on it too). In my opinion that song is not half as good as I expected. Now don't get me wrong, its not the quality of the video or audio production I mean. The content, the flow and arrangement of the song was just there (nothing special). But as usual most Nigerians confuse being objective with being a hater so the comments poured in praising the song and talking about how wonderful it is while others spent time vilifying those who aired their opposing views. We have heard and seen better from D'banj. He set a really high standard for himself in the industry and going by that standard, this work is just average. In fact its a little below average if you consider the amount of time and money pumped into it. Confidential is just another song. Great work from the producer as usual. That beat deserves a lot more work to make it a real hit. 

I believe that one of the reasons people put their work out there is to get sincere feedback so they know how to improve. If we hide behind the veil of fear and stigma we may never get better songs from them. People are not always haters. Sometimes it is just true that some songs are not as good as we expect. Anyways, Nigerians have the funniest comments on posts like that and its interesting to read the war of words that follow the posts. In all this, maybe we lose the objective point of posting comments but at least we gain something hilarious!  

Monday, August 24, 2015

Ndani Sessions Presents - Vector "Popular"

This here is what we mean by music! It's got content, style, near perfect delivery and a beautiful rhythm. Vector is it!!

Our Beats Are The Real Hits

As much as I love to promote Nigerian music, I need to ensure I don't lower the standard to accept more local content. Nigerian musicians need to put more quality into the music. Our producers are truly the ones making the music because most of our songs cannot thrive without the electrifying and energetic beats. I can't tell how many songs have moved me to dance even without hearing the lyrics. Recently I searched for good covers and acoustic versions of Nigerian songs and its not the easiest thing to find. What exactly are we singing about? We should get passed the era of just releasing songs to get people to turn around and identify with it to an era where we can talk to people with our music. (Don't have what to say? No problem...I can help )

In spite of this quality and content drain, a few of our musicians still give us songs we can listen to and not just dance. At the moment we play Nigerian songs more than music from other places. If patriotism was only about music, Nigerians would arguably be the most patriotic people in the world. It is time for artistes to repay such faith by improving the content of the music they put out there. Any language would do, don't bring us empty songs with great beats. We will dance any way, but if your music doesn't touch lives I think you've missed the point. 
After all said and done, Ndani Sessions give us the real deal...real artistes and pure talent.

Ndani Sessions - Simi

Iyanya - Rendezvous (Craig David cover) in the 1Xtra Live Lounge (Lagos,...

Friday, August 21, 2015

Jessie J - We Found Love (Radio 1 Live Lounge, 2012)

By now you should know I LOVE music!

Imagine Dragons "Stand By Me" Ben E. King Cover Live @ SiriusXM // Hits 1

IMO this ranks among the best covers ever!

S.N.L.C. Bug!

How many times do we find ourselves looking at pictures of friends and colleagues and thinking about how different our lives are? We try to figure out why some people have so much fun, so much more money and we sit there thinking "this guy or this girl is doing way better than I am". We spend time thinking about how much they make and how much time they have to spend their money. Facebook Instagram and Snapchat have not even helped matters, giving them a platform to shove their relative success in your face! Envy, jealousy and impatience start to take over our thoughts and we either accept our fate or look for a way to push ourselves out with false images to compete with what we see. Uploading pictures and chasing likes to the level where people do almost anything to draw more attention to their pictures and profiles. 

Well, I know this because I've been through the phase. While some people realise early enough that not all that glitters is gold, some don't! As I have learnt, we all run different races. While some are running the sprint of life, others are running the marathon. What matters is the fact that we end with a gold medal. Run your race! Don't let the fact that others have received their medals stop you from completing your race. Appreciate what life has to offer. Celebrate with friends and family! Do not compete or feel unfulfilled. Stop comparing yourself with others. You are special and unique, a limited edition. Live simply, Dream Big, Give Love and Laugh a lot more! Don't get caught up in the Social. Network. Life. Comparing. Bug! (S.N.L.C Bug).

Thursday, August 20, 2015

What Do You Choose?

Sometimes we believe that things just happen to us. We believe it is fate and we have no control over the course of our lives. Contrary to that, I believe I am the architect of my destiny. Why would we believe that God just selects some people to be great and some to be poor? I think it is a small corner for those who are either too lazy to work hard enough to change their lives or it is a comfort zone for those who are scared of launching out! It can also be a reassuring spot for the man who is afraid of 'failing'. If you let the fear of failing prevent you from trying you can NEVER get anything done. You have the power of free choice and another day to redirect your life, make good use of it!

Jessie J - 'Stay With Me' (Capital Live Session)

Ok, I don't know why, but this just keeps me going...its music the way I love it!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

No Seed, No Flowers!

Every day, I think of all the interesting ways that other peoples' lives affect me and try to draw some kind of motivation to push myself forward. All of us look for testimonies of greatness to be inspired. We forget that all the stories and events would never move us if we don't connect our desires to the inspiring part of these every day events. (We are all tired of motivational speakers, yet the Nike Commercials still make us believe).

Today, I am my own inspiration and same goes for you. I will connect with the fact that I keep writing even when people don't read. I keep trying to be better because I think good isn't enough. Every new day is an opportunity to improve on the previous one. If you don't believe you can be more, you will not attempt it. Inspiration without ability is futile. You are the seed, inspiration just waters the seed and makes it blossom into a beautiful flower.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Live A Little More

Have you experienced a day when everything is slow and drab? (Its usually on Mondays). You get a rude awakening from your weekend with an early morning shower and the usual traffic drama. It all happened to me and I was sitting in front of my desk reading through a study material but I couldn't assimilate anything. Then I decided to go online for something interesting to awaken my senses. I tried my usual Crazeclown videos (you should check them out) on Instagram and I laughed and somehow sank back into that gloomy little mental corner. A few random clicks here and there and then I stumbled on this funny article (You should check it out). It was about Nigerian proverbs. Styled in our own pidgin and often twisted in metaphors or ideas that relate perfectly with the Nigerian experience. I read them and I kept smiling for quite some time. Well, that article changed the course of the day for me and by the time I was ready to leave the office I realised I had spent about two extra hours working happily. I sent a message to the author of the page and he replied on twitter saying I had made his day. If only he could see how his work had changed my day. In fact, its the second day and i'm still thinking about it and smiling. You don't need to be the most famous person in the world to inspire others. Do what you love with passion and your light will shine for someone out there. So my inspiration for today is the Unserious Serious Boy (USB). He is Mayo Bayo of Talking Drum. It is a typical Nigerian site with exciting local articles (not news about Kim, Kanye and others). Be the best you can be, follow your passion and live a little more. You may just inspire someone out there. 

Monday, August 17, 2015

The New Nigerian!

"...the labour of our heroes past shall never be in vain". Lifted straight from the National Anthem of the world's largest black nation! Heroes of this great nation have come and gone. Nnamdi Azikiwe, Obafemi Awolowo, Ahmadu Bello, Murtala Mohammed, Clement Isong, Tafewa Balewa, Alvan Ikoku (All from naira notes). They spent their lives trying to create a great nation. One that will be the pride of Africa, the shining light in a 'dark' continent. They have played their part and another generation have stepped in. A generation of Military rulers mixed with a few good and many cynical democratic and civil leaders. Some of them came to rule, some came to loot, some came to lead and other just got there without an ambition or dedicated purpose. The result is what we have as a country today. A beautiful illustration of epic inequality and social, academic, financial and religious segregation. We are slowly drifting away from the dream of our 'heroes past' (Let's hope Buhari can stem the tide). Do we need to hit rock bottom so we can shamelessly say "there's only one way to go"? NO!!! We need to get to work to preserve the country for posterity.

What I see around today can be frustrating but I choose to concentrate on that tiny ray of light at the end of the tunnel. The ray of light I see is the light of the New Nigerian!! These are the people who are not oblivious to the problems in our country but still believe in it. They fully understand where we are and what problems we face but they also know what we can become! Not only do they know, but they are pushing forward to achieve this and impact the lives of people. They are trying to get others to see the light and follow it. That is the beauty of an enlightened mind (I don't mean someone who has just gone to school). Knowledge illuminates and gives understanding and the New Nigerian understands the part she has to play in building the nation. We cannot build this country from the top to the bottom (People keep saying the leaders are the problem). Even if we decide to take drastic measures to cut off all the bad leaders, if those at the grassroots are also bad, then it will be a case of 'garbage out, garbage in'. 

The New Nigerian targets a generation of nation builders who will lead us in the future. If we find a system that works today or maybe tomorrow, we are sure that any form of development will be sustained by a credible crop of leaders who can build on today's achievements. We want a generation of Nigerians who are poised to change the state of the nation for good. A foundation for the beautiful future we envisage. That is the dream! A beautiful mind is the seed of a beautiful tomorrow! If we can see the future our potential deserves, we will all work to achieve it. The New Nigerian sees the dream and is burning with passion to actualise it. We will ensure that the labour of our heroes past will NOT be in vain! Join the campaign today! #Illuminate your world!

Friday, August 14, 2015

Inspiration Number 5

I've thought a lot about this post and a few people will understand why. Whatever though, I only write about this from the most objective point of view and for the most inspiring reasons. Today's inspiration is a young Nigerian writer. Her name is Ngozi Chimamand.... no!!! (She is also inspiring)... Her name is Chibundu Onuzo. I came across her book 'The Spider King's Daughter' and sincerely I didn't read it. I think I was too busy (the usual excuse) and I never opened it to read. A few months down the line and I still haven't read it yet (I will). On the other hand I have read so much about the author because of one simple and beautifully refreshing article (Pls click the link).

It doesn't take much to inspire people. Its just about connecting to the right emotions and chain of thought and you'll start a spark in someone's life. That is exactly what happened. Chibundu is a writer, author and PhD student. She is the youngest female to sign to Faber & Faber (Click the link if you don't know them. I didn't too). She had her first book, The Spider King's Daughter, published in 2012. She is a contributor on The Guardian, with a lot of thought-provoking articles. There is a more detailed interview on Bellanaija. For the article on the Guardian and a lot more, she is our inspiration for the day.

Changing Education Paradigms

More ranting...but the point of all this is to stir you, YES, YOU!!!! to do what inspires you. Do what you're passionate about. No more conformity, no more linear thinking.

Let Me Rant Again!!

Ok...this is the source of my rant and explosion! I'd post more videos but you can go watch them on YouTube and all. I think its time to become a divergent thinker! Learn, explore, expand (intellectually please) and be more!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Inspiration Number 4

Tonye Rex Idaminabo

If your business is all about recognising the accomplishments of others, you deserve recognition too! If you must shine the light on the things people do, you must hold the lamp and be seen. For this reason and many more, Tonye Rex Idaminabo is our inspiration for the day!
He is the founder of African Achievers Awards, a set of annual awards bestowed on Africa’s most accomplished achievers in politics, diplomacy and entrepreneurship. An accomplished entrepreneur and lawyer, His prestigious award boasts notable recipients such as Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Divine Ndhlukula, John Momoh and many others. 

The real inspiration is the story behind the business. Growing the business from a sponsor-based award to a self-sustaining multi-million Naira business in event management, re-branding and profiling for companies around the world, Rex has transformed this initial idea and has charted a course to show that ideas rule the world. If you can imagine it, you can do it. Going back to the beginning, the first award ceremony was sponsored by The Kings College, London. Today he can comfortably host this award and continue to encourage greatness in his own way. We just hope he also has a special award for himself because his story is transforming lives today!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Let Me Rant!!

This is the first in a series of rants about many random things. I think mainly I will focus on education (school system and all). I feel that education is the key to success for the nation and as many people say it is actually a nation builder. It is great and inspiring and bla bla bla!!! Enough said. We all know or have heard about the great benefits of education and going to school. In fact parents make it the natural routine for kids. Lets spell it out...Go to school, go to school again, more school, get a job and get rich. That's the road map they give to us. That is the route to success they make us to believe in. 

 PLEASE, I must state here for this article and for future posts, I BELIEVE IN EDUCATION!! I do, but I totally DISAGREE with the view that education means 'so much school'. Now many people are going to kick against my point of view and I'm waiting for the backlash when people finally start reading this blog. I will enumerate my points so that people can redirect me properly to their points of reference. I will take each point on a different day to allow me gather all my thoughts and align them properly on this rant series. I just believe that 'school' kills more dreams than it builds!! Sir Ken Robinson, Seth Godin...they are right!

Inspiration Number 3

Affiong Williams

Affiong Williams is the founder of Reel fruit in Nigeria. Founded in March 2014, Reel fruit is an emerging fruit processing company focused on packaging, branding and processing of locally-sourced quality fruit products. The first product is a range of dried fruit snacks and nuts. The products are currently stocked in over 80 stores in Nigeria. (Forbes). Many of us add a healthy diet and lifestyle to our New Year resolutions every year but the fast paced nature of work and sometimes school doesn't give us the opportunity to accomplish this goal. Reel fruit provides an interesting opportunity for all of us to grab healthy fruits without the inconvenience of fruit peels, dripping juice, seeds, fear of poor hygiene and all. It is a step in achieving this goal. Presently, the variety available includes dried mango. pineapple, banana, coconut, a fruit and nut mix and cashews. Before we get carried away by the ingenious idea, let us meet the brain behind the business. 

     Affiong is one of the many rising and refreshingly exciting Nigerian entrepreneurs. She describes herself as "simple, quite motivated, very ambitious. clumsy, passionate, curious (I love travel), introverted and a bit of a nerd.". Many words for someone who looks so simple yet inspires us to be more! She started the Reelfruit business from personal savings and contributions from friends, family and fools. The business plan has won 2 competitions and looks certain to be a major force in the fast rising agro food processing industry. Her brilliant idea has potential for expansion and one can only imagine the heights this dream will reach. She is an inspiration because she has shown us that you can make that big dream a reality without a huge loan or outrageous capital! If you're out there waiting for the big step before you move, you may never start the journey.

Inspiration Number 2

Jason Njoku

Jason Chukwuma Njoku is the founder of the famous and widely known iROKO TV. He has grown from a Chemistry undergraduate at Manchester University into a business mogul and self acclaimed 'modern day capitalist'. Picking up an idea that has been right here under our noses and raising about $8 million to actualise the dream is nothing short of inspiring! iROKO TV has legally taken Nollywood out of Nigerian homes to the screens, computers and mobile phones of people around the world. Today, Iroko Partners is the world’s largest digital distributor of Nigerian movies and African music. The firm is YouTube’s biggest partner in Africa, boasting over 152 million views in 2011 (Forbes). It is interesting to note that largest group consumers of the content on iROKO TV are based outside Africa. This means there is still room for expansion once the continent opens up fully to this opportunity. There are many ways to tell this story and all of them tell the story of an optimistic man with the vision and desire to deliver world class service to people within and outside the continent. 

Inspiration Number 1

Toyosi Akerele

Toyosi is the founder of Nigeria’s first and most prominent youth interest organization, RISE, is a consummate young professional and outstanding Manager. Toyosi’s is also a Public Speaker, Youth Advocate and Entrepreneur. She was selected as part of 101 young African Leaders to be delegates to the African Business Leaders’ Forum. A multiple award winner, “The Best Use of Youth Advocacy Category at the 2008 edition of Nigeria’s Boldest and Brightest Youth Achievement Awards and the Future Awards of which she has been nominated 5 consecutive Years.
In 2011, Toyosi was invited as a Consultant and Strategist on the Federal Government Project tagged “Bring Back the Book”, an initiative with the aim to encourage Young Nigerians to cultivate a Reading Culture. She was a finalist for the category of Business Owner of the Year at the 6th Season of The Future Nigeria Awards. Toyosi is a worthy alumnus of the United States Government’s Prestigious International Visitor Leadership Program for emerging African Youth Leaders. Toyosi Akerele was in June 2011 described by Mrs Michelle Obama, the First Lady of the United States of America, as one of her personal inspirations.

Rising Lights!

The heartbeat of every Nation lies in the welfare and prosperity of its citizens. In spite of the problems we face and the general negative impression the world has about the slow progress and development we experience, there are a few shining lights scattered evenly around us. These rising lights are worthy of note. Here, we recognize and encourage the next generation of nation builders. The upcoming great women and men who will reinvent this nation. We will focus on young, exciting, brilliant and innovative people who are trying to make a name for themselves in ways that make us proud. These rising stars spread across the 'dark continent'...bringing light, hope and progress to our world. This generation of Africans will rise and illuminate the world! Our generation will make a positive change!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Tony Dalton - Creative, Inspiring and Beautiful!

People are created with unique gifts and talents...this week I will be looking at artists who can create a beautiful world from imagination. It is just a little bit of what we are capable of achieving when we channel our best efforts towards our passion. This is beautiful and inspiring! We are truly limitless as humans! Limitations are created in the mind! Think! Dream! Be Unlimited!!

What is 'Value' To You?

So I decided to write again.
After sitting back to analyze and question the world and scrutinize all the things that are happening around me, I opened this folder and started another document.

What bothers me most at this point in time is the world’s value system and man’s desire and quest for acceptance in society.
What is value? Why should a product of the system define the system? Why should the digits that can be so easily altered determine how we look at others?
Man made money to give value to things and facilitate trade but money has taken over the system and has given value to everything, including man. A few digits in his account and a man’s response to things that happen to him will change. A few more numbers and he will show a different character. What then is value? Is money a measure of a man’s value in society? Is it a point of reference or a prerequisite for acceptance in society? Money has become the measure of a man’s worth. His most desired quality, as it is now more of a personal quality than a possession. Man is money, not that he has money among other things he possesses. We reinforce this belief by the things we want to wear, the places we go to, the friends we keep and all our desires are now tied to this value system where money is the sole factor for competition. We measure the quality of life by the things we can afford (Ask the Economists!). Money answers all things, but it cannot provide everything in this life. We want peace, we want love and happiness. The richest people on earth are not necessarily the happiest or at peace with themselves. Could it be that the system of value neglects the simple and basic desires of man? Not necessarily, but it ignores a very important fact of life and that is the fact that happiness, self-worth and integrity are as important to self-actualization as money and discipline.

Monday, August 10, 2015


Mhmm…thank you oh. (For that person reading this one). So many people have finished school again. Another batch of graduates have been poured into the pot of soup. Congrats to them!! This means a lot to me. It means more job applications, more CVs, more interviews and a lot of bubbly and overtly zealous new faces in the office. Some people are prepared for this stage of life already while others are not.

One of the biggest mistakes is to sit and allow the world pass you by. See, there are two things I think are very important to consider as you set out looking for a job. For me, the first is SALARY! The second is PASSION! Does this job fall in line with my passion? If yes, then I won’t consider the salary TOO MUCH. (I didn't say you should ignore it oh. You are not a slave!). As long as it covers my transportation, accommodation and feeding. I know this is my passion and I will enjoy working here and that way I will be good at my job. Do I need to add that you will get better and definitely climb up the ladder? If it isn’t in line with my passion then they must pay me a salary that compensates me for the long sad hours of work. I mean…I won’t work one minute longer than expected and my best site would be (don’t let your boss catch you).

So what about those who don’t want to work? It’s easy…Reinvent yourself, create a solution to a problem people can relate to and BOOM!! You’re made!! (Don’t ask me about capital. That’s an issue for another day). For now, I want to concentrate on those looking for work. As much as you want to find the perfect job, don't forget that job search cannot be put on your CV but that job that's not perfect still counts as work experience.


Welcome back (I really hope there’s someone reading this!). Ok, with that said, we can dive straight at the issue for the day. Light! Power! Light! The elections have come and gone. We all campaigned in one way or the other. Some of us made good money from the whole charade while others didn’t. Some saw it as an opportunity to show how strong and healthy they were…trekking the length and breadth of this our beloved nation. Others cycling from one cardinal point to the other. Well, kudos to the strong Nigerians (I guess they proved to the world that fuel scarcity cannot stop transportation for Nigeria). Now that the drama has ended, we thank God it wasn’t in vain. At least within this short period of time, a few things have already improved (Don’t ask me to mention all of them). I’m just here to say that light has improved in Nigeria (let me say Lagos, since I can’t tell for other places). In a few months, the light situation in Lagos has become better than the light situation in many parts of Ghana (This one I know for sure…just Google ‘Dumsor’). This is the face of change I recognize. While we are looking for problems for the government to solve (I understand that it is right to do this, so that things will get better) I will celebrate the solutions we can see as everyone’s victory in this war against under development and unresponsive governance. I strongly believe if the government means well for us, just like they have done with light, they can improve a lot in this country with time. Ok…I’m off to see a movie (Not at the cinema. There’s light at home…).